Estonian Base Implementation Guide
1.1.1 - trial-use Estonia flag

Publication Build: This will be filled in by the publication tooling

Example Encounter: Inpatient encounter of Mart Mets

Generated Narrative: Encounter EncounterPatient1

status: In Progress

class: inpatient encounter

subject: Mart Mets (official) Male, DoB: 1973-02-10 ( Personal National Identification Code#37302102711)

episodeOfCare: EpisodeOfCare: identifier =; status = active; period = 2023-05-09 --> (ongoing)

serviceProvider: Organization Rakvere Haigla

actualPeriod: 2023-05-09 --> (ongoing)


*Emergency Waiting RoomActive2023-05-09 19:00:00+0200 --> (ongoing)