Estonian Base Implementation Guide
1.0.0 - ballot Estonia flag

Estonian Base Implementation Guide - Local Development build (v1.0.0). See the Directory of published versions

CodeSystem: Date Accuracy Indicator (Experimental)

Official URL: Version: 1.0.0
Active as of 2023-05-29 Computable Name: EEBaseDateAccuracyIndicator

The Date Accuracy Indicator code system defines concepts that indicate the accuracy of components of a reported date. The concepts defined in this code system are equivalent to those defined in the METeOR value domains for Date—accuracy indicator, code AAA (

Guide for use

Any combination of the values A, E, U representing the corresponding level of accuracy of each date component of the reported date.

This data element consists of a combination of three codes, each of which denotes the accuracy of one date component:

  • A – the referred date component is accurate
  • E – the referred date component is not known but is estimated
  • U – the referred date component is not known and not estimated.

This data element contains positional fields (DMY) that reflects the order of the date components in the format (DDMMYYYY) of the reported date:

  • Field 1 (D) – refers to the accuracy of the day component;
  • Field 2 (M) – refers to the accuracy of the month component;
  • Field 3 (Y) – refers to the accuracy of the year component.
Data domain Date component (for a format DDMMYYYY)    
  (D)ay (M)onth (Y)ear
Accurate A A A
Estimated E E E
Unknown U U U

Example 1: If a date has been sourced from a reliable source and is known as accurate then the Date accuracy indicator should be informed as (AAA).

Example 2: If only the age of the person is known and there is no certainty of the accuracy of this, then the Date accuracy indicator should be informed as (UUE). That is the day and month are “unknown” and the year is “estimated”.

Example 3: If a person was brought in unconscious to an emergency department of a hospital and the only information available was from a relative who was certain of the age and the birthday’s ‘month’ then the Date accuracy indicator should be informed as (UAA). A year derived from an accurate month and accurate age is always an accurate year.

Copyright: METEOR Metadata Online Registry

This Code system is referenced in the content logical definition of the following value sets:

This code system defines the following codes:

AAA Day, month and year are accurate
AAE Day and month are accurate, year is estimated
AAU Day and month are accurate, year is unknown
AEA Day is accurate, month is estimated, year is accurate
AEE Day is accurate, month and year are estimated
AEU Day is accurate, month is estimated, year is unknown
AUA Day is accurate, month is unknown, year is accurate
AUE Day is accurate, month is unknown, year is estimated
AUU Day is accurate, month and year are unknown
EAA Day is estimated, month and year are accurate
EAE Day is estimated, month is accurate, year is estimated
EAU Day is estimated, month is accurate, year is unknown
EEA Day and month are estimated, year is accurate
EEE Day, month and year are estimated
EEU Day and month are estimated, year is unknown
EUA Day is estimated, month is unknown, year is accurate
EUE Day is estimated, month is unknown, year is estimated
EUU Day is estimated, month and year are unknown
UAA Day is unknown, month and year are accurate
UAE Day is unknown, month is accurate, year is estimated
UAU Day is unknown, month is accurate, year is unknown
UEA Day is unknown, month is estimated, year is accurate
UEE Day is unknown, month and year are estimated
UEU Day is unknown, month is estimated, year is unknown
UUA Day and month are unknown, year is accurate
UUE Day and month are unknown, year is estimated
UUU Day, month and year are unknown