Patsientide üldandmete teenus / Master Patient Index
1.0.0 - ballot Estonia flag

Patsientide üldandmete teenus / Master Patient Index - Local Development build (v1.0.0). See the Directory of published versions

Artifacts Summary

This page provides a list of the FHIR artifacts defined as part of this implementation guide.

Behavior: Operation Definitions

These are custom operations that can be supported by and/or invoked by systems conforming to this implementation guide.


The highest education level in the Education Register.


The foreigner operation perform complex search over patient resource.


Generate the new unique Medical Record Number may be used for unknown/anonymous patient’s identification.


The list of legal guardians specified in the Population Register.


The link operation is used to link two patient resources. One of the two patients is identified as the source and one as the target. The link with type ‘replaces’ created from source to destination patient, the another link with type ‘replaced-byä created from destination to source patient. As result of linking the destination patient is deactivated.


The lookup operation looking for patient data in the external registers.


The list of power of attorneys in the Population Register.


The unlink operation is used to unlink two patient resources. One of the two patients is identified as the source and one as the target. The links between the source and destination Patients will be removed. Destination resource will be reactivated.

Structures: Abstract Profiles

These are profiles on resources or data types that describe patterns used by other profiles, but cannot be instantiated directly. I.e. instances can conform to profiles based on these abstract profiles, but do not declare conformance to the abstract profiles themselves.

EE MPI Patient

Common MPI limitations on Patient resouce

Structures: Resource Profiles

These define constraints on FHIR resources for systems conforming to this implementation guide.

EE MPI Patient Newborn

Profiil vastsündinu andmete kirjeldamiseks

EE MPI Patient Stillborn

Profiil surnult sündinu andmete kirjeldamiseks

EE MPI Patient Unknown

Kasutamiseks EMO-s, kiirabis, anonüümsete patsientide ning keskkonnaproovide puhul

EE MPI Patient Verified

Retseptsioonis identifitseeritud MPI Patsient.

EE MPI SocialHistory Disability

Puude raskusaste

EE MPI SocialHistory Education Level


EE MPI SocialHistory Legal Guardian Status

Seadusliku eeskostja staatus

EE MPI SocialHistory Legal Status

Patsiendi teovõime staatus.

EE MPI SocialHistory Marital Status

Abielu või suhte liik.

EE MPI SocialHistory Occupation


EE MPI SocialHistory Power Of Attorney


EE MPI Related Person

Patsient ja tema kontakt- ja seotud isikud.

Terminology: Value Sets

These define sets of codes used by systems conforming to this implementation guide.

Disability level

Puude raskusaste

Education Level

Patsiendi kõrgeim haridustase

Guardian Status

Eeskostja liik


Töötamise liik

Legal Status

Patsiendi teovõime staatus.

Person Relationship

Suhe patsiendiga

Person Relationship Class

Person relationship class

PowerOfAttorney Status

Hooldusõiguse liik

Terminology: Code Systems

These define new code systems used by systems conforming to this implementation guide.

Disability level

Puude raskusaste

Education level

Patsiendi kõrgeim haridustase

Legal Status

The legal status that applies to the patient. The legal status indicates the basis on which the patient is staying in a healthcare organization. This can be either voluntary or involuntary, however the legal status is always determined by a judge. A patient can also receive healthcare based on a forensic status.

PowerOfAttorney Status

Hooldusõiguse liik

Terminology: Concept Maps

These define transformations to convert between codes by systems conforming with this implementation guide.


A mapping between the Identity System for person identification and ENHIS OID systems

Example: Example Instances

These are example instances that show what data produced and consumed by systems conforming with this implementation guide might look like.


Example of patient disability


Example of patient education


Example of patient legal duardian


Example of patient legal status


Example of patient marital status


Example of patient occupation


Example of organization Org1


Example of patient attorney


Example of newborn patient


Example of stillborn patient


Example of unknown patient


Patsient erinevate identifikaatoritega


Foreigner with minimal dataset.


Example of patient son


Example of patient wife and emergency contact