Patsientide üldandmete teenus / Master Patient Index
1.0.0 - ballot Estonia flag

Patsientide üldandmete teenus / Master Patient Index - Local Development build (v1.0.0). See the Directory of published versions

Table of Contents

...0 Table of Contents
...1 Sissejuhatus
...2 Patsiendid
...3 Identifikaatorid
...4 Juhend arendajale
...5 Patsientide sidumine ja lahti sidumine
...6 Veakoodid
...7 Toetavad operatsioonid
...8 Contact Us
...9 Download
...10 Autentimine
....11 Artifacts Summary
....11.1 patient-education
....11.2 patient-foreigner
....11.3 patient-generate-mrn
....11.4 patient-legal-guardian
....11.5 patient-link
....11.6 patient-lookup
....11.7 patient-power-of-attorney
....11.8 patient-unlink
....11.9 EE MPI Patient
....11.10 EE MPI Patient Newborn
....11.11 EE MPI Patient Stillborn
....11.12 EE MPI Patient Unknown
....11.13 EE MPI Patient Verified
....11.14 EE MPI SocialHistory Disability
....11.15 EE MPI SocialHistory Education Level
....11.16 EE MPI SocialHistory Legal Guardian Status
....11.17 EE MPI SocialHistory Legal Status
....11.18 EE MPI SocialHistory Marital Status
....11.19 EE MPI SocialHistory Occupation
....11.20 EE MPI SocialHistory Power Of Attorney
....11.21 EE MPI Related Person
....11.22 Disability level
....11.23 Education Level
....11.24 Guardian Status
....11.25 JobType
....11.26 Legal Status
....11.27 Person Relationship
....11.28 Person Relationship Class
....11.29 PowerOfAttorney Status
....11.30 Disability level
....11.31 Education level
....11.32 Legal Status
....11.33 PowerOfAttorney Status
....11.34 identity-system-to-oid
....11.35 Disability
....11.36 EducationLevel
....11.37 LegalGuardianStatus
....11.38 LegalStatus
....11.39 MaritalStatus
....11.40 Occupation
....11.41 ExampleHospital
....11.42 PowerOfAttorney
....11.43 PatientNewborn
....11.44 PatientStillborn
....11.45 PatientUnknown
....11.46 PatientIgorBossenko
....11.47 PatientJohnDoe
....11.48 PatientIgorBossenkoSon
....11.49 PatientIgorBossenkoWife